Do you really need to take newborn photos within 10 days & other tips I learnt being an Albury W
Last year, I ticked a new category off my list and started taking newborn photos in the Albury/Wodonga area (with a lot of help from my mumma bear!).
Although I am far from experienced, I have learnt a lot through this process and I wanted to share some tips I have I have picked up so far incase you are pregnant and thinking about newborn photos or were interested in taking some baby photos yourself.
Myth #1: You must take newborn photos within a fortnight of your baby being born
I have never had a newborn myself nor been around all that many so I wasn't very knowledgable about this myth to begin with. I did a lot of reading to try and determine whether or not newborn photos needed to be taken within the 10 day time-frame and there were a lot of different responses.
As it often is in life, I eventually was able to answer this question through doing. I took photos of a variety of different aged bubbas ranging from 5 days old to 6 weeks old. The most interesting thing I found was that every baby is different, all babies develop at different rates and therefore it was very hard to say newborn photos must be taken within their first fortnight. I photographed a baby that was 4 weeks old that was more relaxed and calm than a baby I photographed within the first week.
I also learnt that it is recommend to have newborn photos taken with the first fortnight due to the development of bub. As your baby grows older it becomes more curious, can see more and becomes accustom to having you close by, this means that it they are more likely to become agitated when taken to a new environment, with strange people and placed in props that are not directly next to you. I would say however, from my personal experience, that this happens around 4 weeks of age.
So to answer the question 'Do I need to get newborn photos before 10 days', I would say no. If for some reason you haven't been able to get your bub photographed in that time-frame I still very much encourage you to get some professional photos done of your beautiful baby!
Myth #2: You must have your newborn photos taken in a studio
Something else that I came across when doing research for newborn photos is that it was important to take professional studio photos of bub.
Although I fully support studios and the amazing work that people take in them, I have found the best way to take newborn photos is in natural light. Newborns seem a lot happier in soft natural light than bright studio lighting.
The good news about this is that you can take amazing bubba photos at home. You can easily find a lovely spot in your home near a window that lets in light, find some blankets (or even buy a few new ones), position your bub as you please (and they'll allow) and take some shots yourself!
So why should you still get professional photos done?
So you can be in them of course! I highly support being in the photos with your newborn :) Alternatively, it can be good to get professional photos done to ensure the quality and resolution which allows you to print beautiful, crisp photos (not something you need to worry about when taking photos at home to share on the web).
Myth #3: Newborn photos take a long time to take
Interestingly all newborn information I found and videos I watched suggested that newborn photos should take a long time.
I have found this entirely depends on your newborn and preference.
To help get your bubba ready for their shoot I highly recommend feeding them 1 minute before their shoot. I have found that feeding bub before you drive your photographer will generally mean that your newborn will only be happy for a short time in the shoot before they tell you they're hungry again. Instead I recommend arriving at your shoot and then feeding bub. So far, this seems to settle bub, make them ready for a few shots with their eyes open and then allow them to fall asleep so that we can capture those super cute sleepy newborn images.
Newborn Photography Tips
So they're my top newborn photography tips: - Don't worry about what age bub is, just get them done!
- Newborn photos do not have to be taken in a studio
- Feed your bubba just before their shoot to help their session go a bit more smoothly
If you have any questions about newborn photography feel free to send me a message or if you're looking for a newborn photographer and would like to know more about my packages jump over to my newborn page here.